"Hako" is the box.
I use a wooden box.
It is made by cypress.
Size and material has no rules.
Some people use the pottery.
If you use wood, cheap is no good.
Because the heat will scorch.
Some people put aluminum foil on the inside.
The wire net attach to the inside of the box.
I attached a metal rod, and put the net on it.
The height of about 2 cm from the bottom and attach the wire net.
Attaching position is important.
Please to devise in each.
Round the moxa.
It is the size of small meatballs..maybe.
I also made the cover.
so,I can adjust the heat.
Mainly, shoulders, abdomen, pelvis warm.
Sensitivity to cold, lumbago, neuralgia, diarrhea, constipation, menstrual pain, infertility, insomnia,chronic fatigue....
Various effects can be expected.
Many chronic diseases are caused by poor blood flow.
Make improvements in the heat of moxibustion to warm them.
This is not to burn technique.
So , such as young women will like this.
But there is one drawback.
It is...too much smoke!!!!
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