Traditional Japanese style acupuncture clinic in Japan
Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion
The original techniques of Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion came from
China more than 1000 years ago.
Then, they have developed independently from the original style under the influence of Japan's climates and culture over long time.
China and Japan have splendid theory and technology.
These pass through the long history, and it is inherited in the present age.
The Chinese medicine spread out in the world, but many of art of Japanese acupuncture moxibustion do not spread out in the world.
I think the art of acupuncture moxibustion to be one of the Japanese splendid traditional technology.
However, there were a few chances for the Japanese medicine to be exported from the small island country.
My English is unripe, but I do my best and want to convey Japanese Traditional medicine.
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Good to find you, we will be moving to Osaka in 2012. I hope not often but I may need your services from time to time (^-^)